We shall create new benefits to humankind by dedicating ourselves to the Five Ways of Creating Value with Light
We will explore the various properties of light, which we will combine with Stanley’s own overall strengths to create new value
with light and thereby contribute to society.
CREATING creating light
Creating light-in other words,the development of light sources-is at the core of Stanley’s value creation.By mastering the
intricacies of light and continuing to create new light sources for the future, we will create new value for society
from this foundation.
RECOGNIZING sensing and recognizing with light
The human being’s ability to use his eyes to see is one of the fundamental examples of sensing and recognizing. Although this
may seem like a simple example, there are still many aspects of the act of seeing that we still do not fully understand. We will
continue to get to the bottom of the various mechanisms of light, including those bands that we cannot see, and produce more
advanced ways of sensing and recognizing.
INFORMING processing information with light
Value is added to information when it is communicated to others,stored,or processed in some way.Light can play various
important roles at all stages from the input of information until its use. We will control and process light in countless ways in
order to create new value with light in the information economy.
ENERGIZING harnessing light’s energy
Light also has a huge and largely untapped potential as an energy source that is clean and environmentally friendly. Already a
number of business segments have developed in areas such as solar power generation, solar-powered lasers, and photovoltaic
cells. We will also create value in this field of solar energy.
EXPRESSING producing feeling with light
Besides its physical functions, light can also affect us psychologically and emotionally. For example, we can create a relaxed
and soothing mood by lighting a room in a certain way. Stanley will also endeavor to apply the psychological effects of light
to produce feelings by lighting spaces, areas and objects.
First of all, by mastering the properties of create new light sources (CREATING). In order to create further value using light a
base through the other four ways of creating RECOGNIZING, INFORMING, ENERGIZING, EXPRESSING), Stanley’s total know
-how important role. Stanley’s know-how is the medium through discover the potential of light and create for society.
Included in our total know- example, our knowledge of products markets, our technology and manufacturing knowhow,
which may connect, strengthen, complement combine to create new values. Stanley’s total know-how will focus on
the of Creating Value, and by organically interacting them will increase the amount of total value can provide in each domain. As
the size Stanley’s value domains increases, so does of Stanley to the world and the market.